I have discovered there are generational blessings in my family that have been passed down when it comes to motherhood. Passing these qualities down from one woman to the next has been the mandate of cherishing this important role. It was preached or taught in such a way that it became somewhat natural for each new generation to understand the privilege and importance of parenting. It was not a responsibility I saw being taken lightly.
What I observed, and from the stories I heard from others in our family, there was a sense of nurturing. This nurturing really is a privilege given to all life-givers whether they accept the responsibility or not. Every mother should be emotionally charged with the job of taking care of their children – of loving them; educating them; imparting words of light, words of healing, and words of well-being to their offspring. All should do this. But unfortunately, all do not. And this is the tragedy whose impact can be seen in years that follow.
When we look at many young mothers today, we can see they don’t have a clue as to the importance of their role. As a result, often grandmothers or others are left with the responsibility of trying to raise their daughter’s child with the challenges of this 21st century staring them in the face. The foundation for motherhood somehow didn’t get passed and is wrecking our society today.
The bible points to Timothy as being an example of the teaching of generational mothering. The apostle Paul admonishes Timothy to stir up the gift or gifts that are within him from the nurturing of his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois. These women planted in Timothy the principles necessary to impart in him good morals and Christian character. Through their parenting, Timothy was strong in faith and understood that challenges in life were not insurmountable.
If you have been given the unique opportunity to form and create the life of another human being, take seriously your charge and get on with the business at hand. You have much work to do, with great rewards to follow. Give of yourself and your love, that you may nurture a life of love. As with all important work, what you put into this priceless task is what you’ll get out of it.
Henry Beecher says, “What a mother sings to the cradle goes all the way to the coffin.”